The Problem

As of writing this post, WGSL has no include functionality.

By default, a single .wgsl file will always be mapped to a single wgpu::ShaderModule, which makes writing a long compute / graphics pipeline either cumbersome (when using a single file) or repetetive (like in the case of sharing structs between shader stage).

According to the community the developer is expected to write their own include functionality, and this post is about how to do such a thing.

The Solution

❗ This solution is a modified version of kvark’s solution
use std::{fs, io, io::Read, path};

pub fn load_shader(name: &str) -> Result<wgpu::ShaderModuleDescriptor, io::Error> {
	let shader_code = load_shader_module(name)?;

	Ok(wgpu::ShaderModuleDescriptor {
		label: Some(name),
		source: wgpu::ShaderSource::Wgsl(shader_code.into()),

fn load_shader_module(name: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
	let base_path = path::PathBuf::from("src");
	let module_path = base_path.join(name).with_extension("wgsl");
	if !module_path.is_file() {
		panic!("Shader not found: {:?}", module_path);

	let mut module_source = String::new();
	io::BufReader::new(fs::File::open(&module_path)?).read_to_string(&mut module_source)?;
	let mut module_string = String::new();

	let first_line = module_source.lines().next().unwrap();
	if first_line.starts_with("//!include") {
		for include in first_line.split_whitespace().skip(1) {

mod wgsl_utils;

let shader = device.create_shader_module(&wgsl_utils::load_shader("shader").unwrap());
load_shader receives the name of a shader without the .wgsl postfix
❗ Shaders are searched under the src folder

This code allows you to use an //!include comment in the beginning of the shader file (only works in the first line) like so:

//!include to_include to_include2

which would take the contents of src/to_include.wgsl and src/to_include2.wgsl and insert them in the beginning of the shader file (in that order) recursively (src/to_include.wgsl could theoretically include other shader files).

//!include is a comment so it doesn’t interfere with regular compilation

That’s it, good luck and keep on the fasten!